Whenever I have the frame of mind to actually talk to Jesus about my kids and pray for them, I always find myself pleading with Him: "Please, help me to do this parenting thing right! Help me to lead them into an intimate relationship with You! Help me to be a worthy mirror to them of Your love!" So I find myself on this never ending journey of godly parenting.
My most recent leg of this journey has led me to a book called "Loving Our Kids On Purpose" by Danny Silk. It is bringing some deeper revelation to some truths I've stumbled upon already. And is giving me some new strategies on how to practically apply these truths.
Here is a quote from Silk that I'm still processing and even learning to apply to my own life, in addition to my parenting. It's been a sort of continuum of thoughts from this post:
"I want to propose to you that freedom is a top priority in heaven, because it is what makes relationships possible. Heaven's culture of relationships is vastly different than most everything we see on earth because God, the Father is less interested in compliance and much more interested in love. This is the reason that He is trying to prepare us to live absolutely free lives in an environment of unlimited options more than trying to keep us from sin." pg. 36.