Monday, June 28, 2010

Growin' Up

I think it is really hitting me for the first time, just how "grown up" my girls are becoming. It probably helps that I'm not distracted by an infant, but I am really noticing some dramatic changes is so many ways: their physical appearance and growth, their mature conversations and deep questions, their thoughtfulness and instinctive care-taking for their brothers. their growing skills of negotiating the natural bumps in the roads of relationships (especially with their sisters!).....the list seems endless.

Many times over the years, older, more experienced moms would look at me and my little ducklings and often comment, "Hang in there. It won't be this way forever. They will grow up before you know it!" I held on to those words through sleep deprivation, sickness, melt-downs, potty messes, endless meals, etc. There was certainly joy that was felt during those years, but, honestly, it was all sort of a blur.....a happy blur of survival. HA! I like that phrase if I do say so myself. Listen to me, I sound like I'm out of this stage of life.....not quite, but the season is changing a bit and I'm enjoying the changes!

Now it's summertime and I get to have all 5 kiddos home with me everyday! I LOVE IT! I know there are many moms who dread the summer for this reason. But, honestly, I'm so grateful to Jesus for my family. Life is surely not a bowl of cherries (or chocolate, which would be my preference:-) But I still wouldn't trade it for anything! My physical therapist looked at a picture of my family and I at the beach recently and said "You are rich!" Ah. Yes. So true! All thanks goes to my Daddy! I'd be poor without Him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are rich.
