Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Flying like an eagle

I love that common passage in Isaiah "They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." What a powerful source of encouragement for all of us no matter where life finds us now. My husband and I were reflecting recently on all the waiting and persevering we've done over the past 8 years. We've chosen to take Him at His word and believe Him for the impossible in several specific areas of our lives. As a results, we've seen some serious breakthroughs and victories! But my, oh my, what battles we've had along the way....mostly with the enemy of our own minds and wills. And probably as a result of our lack of "waiting" on the Lord! I have had many seasons along the way of feeling anything but "eaglish", but not because He didn't keep His end of the bargain!

Over a year ago, a friend shared a simple statement with me. It was in response to my update on our house "hunt" (more on that later). She said, "How many times have we missed the Lord's best because we haven't been willing to wait." I knew she was speaking from a place of experience. That word hit me like an arrow into my spirit. And now, back to my conversation with Brian, I was once again reminded of this thought through this scripture. There is a prerequisite to running, walking, and flying with Jesus. We must first wait on Him - indefinitely.


Anonymous said...

How many times have we missed the Lord's best because we haven't been willing to wait

To coin a phrase from someone else That's a good word right there.

Watching and waiting with you has been strengthening, encouraging, and humbling for us. Trust that we stand with you.

Beautiful Grace said...

Waiting builds perseverance...although difficult, a worthwhile pursuit!!

Anonymous said...

Your web is great!! I learned something about WOW here!!!!