Thursday, November 13, 2008

This Identity Thing

So I have been stewing on this topic of identity lately. The Lord has been setting me free of an "identity crisis" that I didn't know I had! The following is a raw spewing of sorts, in my attempt to verbalize the start of a revelation I am coming on to. So tie a knot and hang always, it will be a fun ride!

If I struggle with something the Lord asks me to do or a change He asks me to make, how many times is the struggle rooted in an identity crisis? I'm starting to think this wrestling happens many times because my identity and security is wrapped up, in part, in something other than Jesus. Let's say He tells me to do something that is other than what I had already deemed was THE BEST way or choice or method, etc. I could feel as though the "other than" that He is asking of me is actually "less than." Could this be because I placed some of my personal value in my definition of THE BEST?

Do I have a hard time accepting that God is "in" something because it is "less than" THE BEST and surely He wouldn't love me as much? Most of us would deny that His love is conditional as such, but do our choices for security and identity reflect a true heart revelation of His love? Hmm...


Livin' Life said...

Wow, the Lord really spoke to me about this issue too. He asked me to step out of much of the ministry I was involved in because I was having an identity issue. I was shocked at first because I thought there was nothing wrong. Over the last few weeks I have been seeing this come to the surface. It is nice to know I am not alone and others are learning about their true identity in Christ. great post.

Beautiful Grace said...

Identity...something defined by our own attitudes and our perceptions of what others believe about us. My heart longs to come to a place where the revelation of who God says I am, fully manifests in this vessel of mine.

Jesus has been teaching me recently that I AM A STRONG WOMAN IN HIM! For many years, my identity had been warped and I believed that I was weak and powerless. How could it be possible for me to be "weak" when the God Who created the universe with a Word lives inside of me.

May we all come to fully realize the identity we have in Jesus!!!

Great post!!! You're a deep thinker...I like that!!!!

This Journey of Mine said...

keep going...I'm ready to read more.

Anonymous said...

Could it be that it's not always your identity - but sometimes, your understood identity of Him?

God remains steadfast. HE remains the same - but His ways can change and the way He calls us to "do things" may change from moment to moment...

Good post - I look forward to more. :)

With The Lord as the foundation, the building blocks may be different - but the foundation remains the same.