Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just keep getting richer...

Well, we had the surprise of our lives (so far) over a week ago. I took a pregnancy test to confirm that I, indeed, was NOT pregnant, only to discover that I actually was. Every form of prevention has at least a 1% chance of "surprise". Someone has to be that 1%, right? Well, we are freaking out, and blessed, to be counted among that small percentage.

Truth be told, we really were planning to be "done" with birthing children. Our hopes were to consider adoption once we finally moved into a bigger house. After all, we already brought 5 beautiful children into the world. Its time to take care of the babies that are already in the world and need parents. Right? I guess "not yet" would be the answer to that. It's truly amazing how EVERYTHING changes in one moment. Some people, after hearing our news, have said things like, "God knew you needed one more!" Hmmm. That and comments of the like have stirred up even more processing. Supposing that the implication is that God made me pregnant with a plan in mind (which I realize was not necessarily the intent), I'm not sure I agree. My Daddy doesn't make me pregnant just like He doesn't make me sick or make me give money away. My favorite revelation of late: "He is in charge, but He is not in control." When sperm meets egg at just the right time, a baby is made. An amazingly creative God set this thing into motion way before I was a thought in my parents' minds. He knew Pontius #6 was coming and He has an unfathomable plan to love on and love through this new, powerful, little life.

It's obvious to us that Brian and I are one seriously fertile couple. Why can't we share this fertility with the thousands of couples who would be delighted with even just one baby!? I don't know. Probably never will. But for now, we are truly thrilled beyond measure. Shocked still, but thrilled. The idea is sinking in more and more. There are so many implications surrounding this news that we cannot even begin to wrap our minds around. I'm so grateful to finally have an opportunity to process some of this in writing. There is much more to come as each day goes by.

Another little Pontius face to imagine, another baby to name after what Daddy is already calling him, more "firsts" to anticipate, having a baby in this new season of life with older Be it unto me......thanks, Jesus.

1 comment:

PressingIn said...

Dear friend, I am SO excited for you guys. Six, SIX, 6, six, WOW!! :) (Sorry, just wanted to see what it looked like in different ways.:) You are a good steward with your children (and many other things!) and evidently your quiver wasn't quite full yet. We're right behind you...well, not pregnant, but very supportive of YOUR pregnancy. :)~ You're an amazing mama Susan. I sincerely hope that I can be half the mama to my wonderful 5 that you are to yours. I love you dear friend. :) Congrats again! You'll have to let me know what you're hungry for. :)~ *hugs*